Ever considered putting your kids in 4-H? Find out whiy It could be beneficial to your children to do so!

Why 4-H is Actually Good for Your Kids

4-H cannot be for your kid, because you do not live in the county, right?


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So your kiddo brings home a flyer from school. Another extracurricular sign-up, and this time it is 4-H. Guess what? 4-H isn’t just for farm and country kids, and 4-H can help your children grow in so many ways! Below are some of the ways that I developed personally during my time in the organization. After my own experience with 4-H, I believe your child could benefit from many of these as well!

Ever considered putting your kids in 4-H? Find out whiy It could be beneficial to your children to do so!
Find out the reason’s why 4-H is good for your kids as they develop into young adults.


Nothing will teach you responsibility like staying up until 2 a.m. the day you have to turn in your project, finishing up what you should have done days ago!

In all seriousness though, 4-H  instilled a great amount of responsibility in myself and my peers over the years. During my time in the organization, I had the opportunity to be responsible for a number of things. These ranged from responsibility for my own projects, to responsibility in my club and community as well.

In your club, you are given the opportunity to serve on committees and hold offices. If you are just not ready for that much yet, you are also able to assist in tasks throughout meetings. These tasks range from helping to pass out flyers and snacks, to assisting in running meetings. Many clubs within the organization also have booths and sales, providing additional opportunities for your youth to learn responsibility.

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4-H also provided opportunities that placed me in leadership positions, such as becoming a camp counselor. If you thought being responsible for your younger sibling was hard, try becoming responsible for a cabin full of young children! The responsibility gained from spending a weekend with a cabin full of preteens is intense, and not soon forgotten.

Ability to Give Back to Your Community

Throughout your 4-H career, the ability to complete various community service activities will be presented. Participating in roadside clean up, charity donations, and helping younger members were just a few ways I gave back in 4-H.

Helping younger members with their projects was one of the most rewarding experiences I had as a 4-Her. It was amazing to me to be able to watch them learn and grow in their own projects. Watching them get their first champion ribbon was especially humbling, and something that has stuck with me.

The organization also provided me the opportunity to participate in activities such as Agriculture day. As a high school student, I was given the responsibility to help educate elementary students about farm animals. For some of these students, this was the closest they would get to farm life. Inspiring right?

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Build Self Confidence

One of the best things about 4-H, is that it provides you the ability to be yourself. By choosing projects that interest you, you are teamed with peers who share your interests. This allows you express your enthusiasm for your hobbies or interests in an environment you can be confident in.

Lets get real. The kids at school are just not as enthused about the model car you just finished, or the wooden bench you built with your dad. When you place your child into a group of kids interested in the same talents, however, you allow them a community that does become as excited as your child. When your children thrive, they further develop their talents and interests, because they feel good about their abilities.

Your children have the ability to become confident through their peers’ encouragement, but that is not the only place for their confidence to be built. Confidence also comes during project judging in 4-H. While that first champion ribbon that you receive is amazing, you would be amazed at what the judges’ comments alone can do! I loved getting feedback from the judge that I was on the right track. Even when the judge told me what I needed to improve on, it gave me the confidence to try again, as I knew how to better project for next time.

Develop Friendships that Will Last a Lifetime

During my own 4-H career, I cannot tell you the exact number of people who changed my life for the better. Many of these same acquaintances became lifelong friends who I talk to on a regular basis.

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As mentioned before, 4-H gives your child the opportunity to participate in projects with children who share similar interests. Your child is introduced to a new set of people who share something in common with them through their interests. Not only this, but your child gets to meet children from outside of their own school, as 4-H is countywide. This means, that your child is being taken out of their normal comfort zone of being friends with just schoolmates, and is meeting a whole range of new people.

Of the number of friendships I have today, the bulk of these friends came from relationships that started in 4-H. It is amazing what the county fair can do for your friend’s circle.

Developing Important Personal Qualities

Of all of the extracurricular activities I participated in, 4-H helped me to develop the greatest number of important qualities I still use. From working with my peers to accomplish our goals to developing my skills through the feedback of project leaders and judges, you are provided the ability to develop your skills, and your person overall, everywhere you turn.

While you may have missed signing up for this year, be sure to check out your local fair this summer! Here your child can get an idea of projects that may interest them, and maybe even meet a current 4-Her or new friend. Don’t forget to check with your local extension office in October to inquire about sign-ups for next year!

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Did you participate in 4-H as a youth? why would you recommend it to today’s youth? Never participated and have questions? Drop me a comment below and I will do my best to help!

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