Want to Lose Weight while Breastfeeding without Losing your Supply?
So we have all heard our friends, family, and doctors tell us that breastfeeding will help us new momma’s to lose that pregnancy weight.
What happens when it doesn’t? When you do lose the pregnancy weight in the first 2 months, then your hormones start to shift and you dump half of it back on. What happens when you nurse, and nurse, and nurse, and you do not lose the weight at all?
Disclaimer: Clicking on ad’s on this page and/or purchasing products shown/talked about may result in me being compensated monetarily.Throughout this series, I may be recommending or reviewing different products for use in your breastfeeding weight loss journey. No worries, while I may be compensated by the companies involved, this does not affect the price of any of these products for you. Also, rest assured that my opinion will always be my own. (Because let’s face it, I’m not the best at listening to everyone else’s all the time.)
In the Beginning
For me, my adventure begins with the birth of my third child. Prior to her being born, I became determined that breastfeeding was going to work out for me with this child. You see, with the birth of my last child, nursing was highly unsuccessful for us. He would not latch correctly, I did not feel confident in my abilities, and it was all a huge mess. This time, it would be different.
This time, I would not only be able to provide amazing nutrition to my baby, but I was determined to do it all through breastfeeding. I would have great bonding with my child, I would save money on formula, and I would lose all of that baby weight and look great while doing it.
Guess what? I totally rocked it! I managed to establish a great nursing relationship with my tiny, adorable, perfect little baby. No formula has had to be purchased to date, and we are only a few weeks shy of her 6 month birthday. Also, I dropped all of that damn baby weight in 2 months flat.
I. Was. Thrilled.
Lies and Deceit
Then came the hormones. You know, those pesky little things that start coming back around as your child starts to get a little bit of age on her. Yeah, those bitches bring back all kinds of things. Mood swings, acne, milk dips, and weight. Yep, here came back part of that baby weight I had so effortlessly shed.
So what do I do? I take to the internet. I start looking up all kinds of things on weight loss while breastfeeding. Can you guess what I find?
Not a lot of anything.
Sure, I found a couple of workout routines that say they are safe for breastfeeding moms. I also found all kinds of information telling me not to try to lose weight while nursing or risk losing my milk supply.
I found information about foods to eat to boost my milk supply while losing weight. Shortly after that, I found an article that told me not to skimp on certain foods because I would lose nutrients in my milk supply.
Next, I found the popular opinion that I need to be eating an extra 500 calories per day to be sufficient in producing for my baby. This is followed by an article that states I do not need to eat an extra 500 calories because my BMI is higher than it should be so my body will simply take what it needs to produce the milk.
So… you’re telling me I have been eating these extra calories and putting them straight to my butt?? Great.
The Reality
So now, here I sit trying to figure out what I am going to do to get to my goal. (Mind you, I am now eating a chocolate chip and M&M blondie because I am frustrated) All of this information is out there along with all of these contradictions telling me not to do any of them. Yep, this looks like so much success it isn’t funny.
Well ladies, here is my plan. I am going to lose the weight and continue nursing. Yep, you heard that right. Guess what else? I am going to start a series outlining how I am doing it, experts that I talk to about the topic, products that I find that do and do not work, all of it. You know why? Because this information needs to be out there.
Postpartum is one the most important times in a mother’s life for her to feel good about herself. With depression rates on the rise, and more pressure than ever being directed at mothers to do what is right for their babies and breastfeed, why is it that it is so hard to find the information that we need to do the one thing that so many of us struggle with?

The Start of Something New
So here I am. I will not post for you exactly what my starting weight is (I am not that brave) but I will tell you it is more than I have ever weighed before while not pregnant. My heartburn activity is at an all time high, my gall bladder wants to kill me, and I am noticing aches and pains in my body that I never have before.
Am I proud of it? Not really. This body has produced two beautiful babies though, and mothered a third. Guess what? It shows. I am determined, however, to get it in shape, and do so while continuing to successfully nurse this baby. Can it be done? I think so. And I am going to share how I do it here so that others can to.
Because it is stupid that there is not hardly anything available on what is and isn’t safe. It is ridiculous that I want to be healthy, but I cannot find a good, solid opinion on exactly what I can and cannot do. Frustrated and in the same position? Good, then let’s change it.
The Plan
Over then next couple of months I am going to work my ass off (literally and figuratively.) On the note of exercising, I plan to start doing at least one new workout a week, and workout 3 times a week. I will let you guys know what exercises I find, what is working, and what is not. Also, I will continue to use my Fitbit (yeah, those nifty trackers we all wear but often ignore) with a goal of reaching at least 12,000 steps per day. Have a Fitbit and and want to join me? Click here to find my profile.
Also, I will be starting a diet comprised of fruits, veggies, whole wheats, healthy fats, and proteins. While I hate diets with a passion, cutting the sugars and mindless carbs, while maintaining the vitamins and energy that my body needs should produce some quick, healthy results. I will be drinking only water and coffee. (Because coffee is life). I plan to reach out to some breastfeeding specialists as well before my next post in this series in order to find out what their recommendations are for the diets of nursing moms who want to lose weight. Hopefully, they can also straighten out this extra 500-calorie-a-day business for me.
Over the next several days, I also plan to up my pumping schedule. I have found in several places on the interwebs that every ounce of milk my body produces will burn 20 calories. While that doesn’t seem like much, livestrong.com states that a 200lb person walking at 3mph for one hour will burn 330 calories. A 140lb person can do the same and burn only 220 calories. Both people burn fewer calories than were in the blondie brownie I ate earlier out of frustration. I can use all the help I can get.
Want to Help or Learn more?
I am going to be looking for all kinds of information to add to this series because honestly, I have all kinds of questions. If you know a great resource for breastfeeding moms, drop it in the comments below! Do you have a specific breastfeeding weight loss question? Please, let me know that too and I will do my best to get it addressed! Let’s work together to get more information out there for mommas who want to not only look good but feel good in their bodies postpartum, without stressing about losing their milk supply! Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so that you do not miss a post in this series!
Foods to Boost Your Milk Supply while Aiding in Weight Loss
5 Things I Learned About Supplementing as a Breastfeeding Mom
Hahaha, the internet is evil! Ignorance is bliss! That aside, it sounds like you have a great plan.
You sound determined and I’m sure you will be successful in working your plan.
Great article and best wishes with your plan. I’m sure you’ll be successful in reaching your goals.
Is there a follow up to this post? I would like to know how things are going and what has worked. I’m struggling with supply dropping as I lose weight and could use some tips. Also, do you exclusively pump?
Thank you! Pregnant with baby #4 (final baby!!!) & have the same questions. I’m wishing you the best and will be following your journey in hopes that it guides me 🙂 That sounds selfish but it’s true! Good luck and thanks in advance for the help.
Great post! I’m looking forward to future ones!